
NittanyCentral delivers expert analysis from veteran reporters and timely updates on Penn State sports, with in-depth coverage of Nittany Lions Football, Wrestling, Basketball, and more.


NittanyCentral delivers expert analysis from veteran reporters and timely updates on Penn State sports, with in-depth coverage of Nittany Lions Football, Wrestling, Basketball, and more.

Penn State Football Should Adopt Cool Auburn Game Day Tradition

As we know there are certain traditions in college football that should never be messed with.

But, as teams across the nation do things to get their fans more involved maybe there should be a new tradition up in Happy Valley on Penn State Football weekends.

This week, the Nittany Lions takes on Auburn from Jordan-Hare Stadium in Alabama, and the Tigers have a very unique access for the fans. 


 Each home weekend during the season, Auburn opens up its Stadium on Fridays before the game to give fans a view of the locker room, as well as the entire Stadium.

#Auburn opens up their stadium and lockerroom to fans on Gameday Fridays. #PennState should do this.

— Tim Buckley (@TimBuckleyWX) September 17, 2022

The experience begs to question why hasn’t Penn State Football opened up Beaver Stadium to give fans a behind-the-scenes glimpse on home game weekends?  Maybe Penn State should consider starting a new game-week tradition for home games, for people visiting the campus, or for those that are unable to get tickets or have never been to Beaver Stadium. 

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