
NittanyCentral delivers expert analysis from veteran reporters and timely updates on Penn State sports, with in-depth coverage of Nittany Lions Football, Wrestling, Basketball, and more.


NittanyCentral delivers expert analysis from veteran reporters and timely updates on Penn State sports, with in-depth coverage of Nittany Lions Football, Wrestling, Basketball, and more.

Write For Us

Nittany Central is always interested in adding new talent to our growing team.

If you’re a journalism student looking to hone your craft and for a growing platform to showcase your work, a sportswriter looking for a new gig, or just a passionate Penn State Football, Wrestling, or Basketball fan who wants your opinion heard, we want to hear from you!

Potential applicants should send an email that includes your writing experience, and any samples of your work that you might have.

#WeAre excited to hear from you!

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